Saturday, October 16, 2010

crunch time-ish.

it may be safe to say that the don't buy anything until you loose 15 pounds didn't go well... but i've dedicated myself to a new goal... 30 pounds before Christmas... but I really want most of it off by Thanksgiving.  Why these days? November and December are the two months I literally eat  a whole lot and participate in little exercise. Instead of accepting the weight gain... I've decided to fight it. 

Talk is cheap, right? It is! So, I've developed a game plan for the next two months...

1200 caloric intake
4-5 times/week exercise
drinking only allowed once a week (no girly fruity mixed drinks)
no fast food
no "pretty" drinks from Starbucks

It's not going to be easy... but it's so attainable! I'm starting Monday... wish me good luck!