Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day Three.

Three days into the mission to be in a Spanx size D! Hold on, let me check my pulse... Ok I have a heart rate. The eating well portion of this mission... is going great; except for the past two nights, I probably could've passed out because the after 7:30 eating schedule doesn't always work if you stay up to 2am. If I would've fainted... people probably would've thought she's pregnant rather than she's hungry as hell. On the other hand, the excercise part **pause** isn't going so great. So my vow was to invest as much time as I do getting "pretty" into becoming healthier... i'm probably investing half of that time, unless cooking time was included??!**crickets**(i tried). If I take two hours a day to get ready, I need to be excercising for two hours... my goal this week is to stick to that plan. (I may just cut down my getting ready time)---I will be doing a weigh-in sunday morning to document my progress **fingers crossed** hopefully I will see some type of result.